International Womens Day 2024 Which vitamin deficiency is most common in women

International Womens Day 2024 Which vitamin deficiency is most common in women

Women’s Day 2024: Today’s women are keeping pace with men. Not only this, she is touching new heights and success in every field. Amidst all this, he has to maintain a balance between home and office, which has a negative impact on his health. Due to lack of sleep and not eating food on time, today’s women are becoming victims of depression and irritability. Most of the women are suffering from anemia. Apart from all this, body ache, headache and heart related diseases are associated somewhere in the life of every woman these days.

It has also been seen many times that a woman, forgetting her physical problems, is so busy with her family and children that she does not have time to consult a doctor. When the same seemingly minor disease takes a serious form, it creates problems. Today, through our article, we will know which 5 deficiencies 90 percent of women are struggling with due to which their body is becoming weak.

90% women ignore these deficiencies in their body

Iron deficiency in women

If we talk about Indian women, there is lack of blood in their body. This causes weakness, headache, lack of sleep as well as many other health related problems. Apart from all this, one has to face many problems during periods and pregnancy. That is why it is often said that women should get their iron levels tested in their body. So as to avoid its deficiency.

Zinc deficiency in women

Zinc deficiency is often seen in women. Zinc works to keep the immune cells in the body healthy. Zinc works to strengthen immunity. Zinc deficiency can increase the risk of dangerous infections like pneumonia. Therefore avoid zinc deficiency.

Calcium deficiency in women

If there is pain in the body often then it indicates calcium deficiency. The initial symptoms of calcium deficiency are bone pain, muscle pain, depression, osteoporosis and fatigue. Apart from all this, if you want to avoid the disease of joint pain, then do not allow calcium deficiency in the body.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency in women

Women should avoid vitamin B-12 deficiency. Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the body, red blood cells are not formed properly. Due to which the tissues and organs do not get proper oxygen. Due to this, things like weak muscles, numbness, difficulty in walking, nausea, weight loss, irritability, fatigue and anxiety are felt. Magnesium deficiency leads to loss of appetite.

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